Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello again, logo.

And here comes the second part where I managed to improve my design and come up with another idea.

Idea #3
Basically an improved version of Idea #1 where I changed the colours, effect and the overall impact to the logo.

I've decided to change the colour to a more monotone hue, to make it look more professional. Can be improved with brushed chrome effect to enhance the "wow" effect on the logo. 
Idea #4

This is my favorite design of all and I really hope it get chosen. I got my inspiration from the 70's style retro and 80's pixel style where everything is funky and colourful.

I decided to go against the usual triangle shape where vertex is usually associated and use square shaped typography instead. The idea here is that designing can be fun and doesn't necessarily mean you have to stuck with one meaning.

So here you go, my second post on logos. Hopefully either one of these will get chosen by the respective lecturer.

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